Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Conversations that have been (or will be) abolished due to technology

I was thinking about all the usual conversation starters today and how today's technology has rendered some of those inconsequential. We don't need to ask about the weather anymore because of the plethora of websites, gadgets, and widgets devoted to the subject. We need not ask what is going on in the news of our old domiciles due to newspaper websites. We need not ask about how a friend might know so and so, because on facebook that is part of the process of adding friends to your list. With the web the way it is going we have music sites that let our friends know what we are listening to, movie sites that let people know what we are watching, and travel sites that let people know where you have been and where you are going. We have text messages to say all those short sentences that don't warrant a phone call. We have status updates via facebook and twitter to let people who are all so curious on what we are doing

So what do we talk about? We still fall back on all that we are used to but are starting to be allowed the freedom of skipping the formalities. We can now say, hey I saw that you saw this movie with out vamping on what movies you have seen lately. We can now say what did you like of the new (insert band here) album without the usual what have been listening to lately.

Is this then end of useless chatter, the end of chatter, or the beginning of chatter unknown? Probably a little of each. Let me know what you think will be abolished and/or develop.

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