Wondering in the world of one liners
Not quite a month ago I got into this thing called twitter and have been hooked. I have finally found a place to keep all those one liners that pop up into my head and then fade out of existence. When I mean hooked, I mean hooked in. With the option to post to and receive updates from twitter via cell phone text message, im, or the web it turns your text and instant messaging into a conference message combining the protocols so that you can be reached by whatever means you deem suitable at the time.
Twitter lets you have control over who you are receiving messages from. You can shut off all messages at anytime by just sending the words "off" and to turn it back on, you guessed it, "on". If you want to get updates from a certain person you just type "follow username" (replace username with the person's username). To Follow all type "follow all". The command "leave" does just the opposite in the same respect (add "username" or "all"). "Delete" or "remove" followed by "username" will remove that user from your friends list. "Get" will get all the most recent updates, add "username" and you will get that users last update. "Nudge username" will attempt to get a update from a user. "Whois username" will give a short bio and a web address for a user and "d username" in front of a short message will send a direct message to someone. more lingo here.
None of that is necessary to use twitter, but it comes in handy when on the go. If you find your way over there I'm at http://twitter.com/artifishall
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