Step up, if Digg is to get buried
Today could be the day that digg goes down and the day that digg stands up to the corporate world and gives them the finger, both of which were forced down the throat of owners and operators by it's users.
There was a string of characters that flooded the internet today and after a take down notice was given to to take it down they proceeded to do as asked. But then the digg community, the creative bunch that they are decided to strike back and create as many different ways to mask the code as they could. From picture displaying the hex color representation of the numbers to a song with the code as the lyrics. It got out of hand and the very hand that was feeding digg could now take it down. So all I have to say to my fellow diggers is that if digg goes to court we all better pitch in for the legal costs, for we are digg and if we want this thing to survive we better stand up to help fight for what we helped create.
I'm not one for DRM (see previous post) so it seems to me that it is time to stand up for our beliefs, I don't want to see any of you go hind in a corner when this sh1t goes down.
For more on this story read
Kevin Rose's blog Post from
Jay Adelson's Original Response from
Digg Revolt
Google & blogs issued with AACS Cease & Desist
A Hex Story
Mac OS Hex Screensaver
Oh Nine, Eff Nine - The Song
I really hope that this doesn't bring down the site, and if it does, Kevin, I'll be more than willing to host it under a different name.
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