Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Numbers are a strange. For some reason I make a big deal when my odometer rolls over another 10,000, or is a string of 7's, or a straight of 123456. You would think it actually had to do with how many miles I have driven the thing across this nation (it has taken me to at least 30 states) but I'm not sure that is the case.

Then of course there is time. 11:11, 12:34, 1:23; Just about everyday at those times, I just happen to glance at the clock

Being the geek that I am, I'm always check my web statistics, for some reason I always have to see how many clicks I'm getting here or there. I check to see if someone is clicking my blog, my website, my podcast, and my program. I don't know why I check, I guess it's to see if anyone is listening to what I have to say or if they appreciate my work. But I guess it could be a way to see where I should be headed. I've been throwing up random bytes all over the web to try and see what gets a bite.

Lately I have noticed a few numbers popping out though. 42 always seems to pop out partly because we all live on the greatest computer ever built, created to find the question to 42 (geek reference). Then there is also 1107 which has popped up in a few random places like a thread I started in a forum and the end of a activation code for a program I installed, both of which are somewhat related. Another number is 500, which my program shuTi just passed in the number of downloads.

So I take it I am going in the right direction. I feel like I'm beginning to come across a pattern that is leading me somewhere or it could just be all hogwash; an over exemplified set of occurrences that I somehow felt worth the bytes of a blog post. I really should get back to telling sci-fi stories.


Saturday, May 05, 2007

Spiderman 3 - the midnight showing

Spiderman 3 midnight showing
Originally uploaded by countzachula.

On break from my Accounting class, a few of my classmates and I conversed. We usually speak the usual geek talk, revolving around computers, comics, sci-fi, and equations that equal 42. One kid mentioned that he was going to see Spiderman at midnight. Now I had forgot that it came out at midnight even though I had just watched "The Totally Rad Show" which reviewed the movie in question. I was all about getting my geek on so I aimed my sites at getting down to that theater in the quickest manner possible, getting a prime seat, and watching a movie that will more than likely fit into the definition of a blockbuster.

artifishall Wasting time, till spiderman 3 starts 10:30 PM May 03, 2007 from txt

The evening started when we arrived at the theater an hour early. No this is not the usual manner that I undertake, but I rather sit in the theater for an hour than drive the 20 min drive home just to turn around come back. The theater was littered with the faithful fans that no doubt had help keep the mylar industry alive. Spidy suits abound, I wasn't sure whether I should run to the nearest costume shop to find some tights or break out of a cocoon and sprout wings to fly past the webs of said hybrid geek/superheroes.

The Spidermen where in full character, doing back flips in the front of the theater, dropping off the top of the staircases, stoking up the crowd into a frenzy, and of course leading a rousing version of Happy Birthday.

Now most of the Spidermen Outfits were the usual Halloween specials, but there were a few that were movie worthy (even if the bodies filling them out weren't)

artifishall Ha ha, spidey just did a faceplant 11:27 PM May 03, 2007 from txt

As we waited, my friends and I compared notes on iPod playlists and reading material.

artifishall Note to self: read terry pratchett 11:53 PM May 03, 2007 from txt

After the staff subdued the crowd and impatience let out, the previews began to roll. The crowd laughed at the New Chis Tucker / Jackie Chan flick (Rush Hour 3) and Balls of Fury, ohhed and awed at the new Harry Potter, and booed the Chef Boyardee Comercial.

The movie had all the elements that Hollywood is known for. The love story, the good guy vs bad guy, the wise matriarch whose words bring the hero back to his senses after his fall from grace

artifishall MJ you bitch, don't go 4 the goblin about 23 hours ago from txt

The love Triangle between Mary Jane, Peter Parker, and Harry Osborn continues with Peter and Harry at odds from the beginning.

artifishall What a waste of bourbon about 23 hours ago from txt

New Villians are introduced to the non-comic book types with Venom and Sandman. The back stories are vaguely told, though not noticeable while being inundated with superb action sequences or campy comedic relief.

artifishall Pete you wanker about 22 hours ago from txt

Love is lost, Found, heroes win against all odds and a few other twist and turns find their away into the plot.

Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst stayed true to their performances in the previous movies. Topher Grace had a surprisingly believable evil essence in his role as Venom and nerd photographer (Peter Parker wanna-be) Eddie Brock. Thomas Haden Church pulled from pity, fear, hatred, and with the help of Brilliant CGI effects brought Sandman to life. Then Bruce Campbell came along for a much needed comic relief bit that overshadowed the rest of the comedy in the movie.

I couldn't help but twitter certain thoughts as the movie progressed as a experiment of a real time movie review, so I included them in this post (anything that starts with artifishall) I tried not to give to much away so I hope I didn't ruin the film for anyone


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Step up, if Digg is to get buried

Today could be the day that digg goes down and the day that digg stands up to the corporate world and gives them the finger, both of which were forced down the throat of owners and operators by it's users.

There was a string of characters that flooded the internet today and after a take down notice was given to to take it down they proceeded to do as asked. But then the digg community, the creative bunch that they are decided to strike back and create as many different ways to mask the code as they could. From picture displaying the hex color representation of the numbers to a song with the code as the lyrics. It got out of hand and the very hand that was feeding digg could now take it down. So all I have to say to my fellow diggers is that if digg goes to court we all better pitch in for the legal costs, for we are digg and if we want this thing to survive we better stand up to help fight for what we helped create.

I'm not one for DRM (see previous post) so it seems to me that it is time to stand up for our beliefs, I don't want to see any of you go hind in a corner when this sh1t goes down.

For more on this story read
Kevin Rose's blog Post from
Jay Adelson's Original Response from
Digg Revolt
Google & blogs issued with AACS Cease & Desist
A Hex Story
Mac OS Hex Screensaver
Oh Nine, Eff Nine - The Song

I really hope that this doesn't bring down the site, and if it does, Kevin, I'll be more than willing to host it under a different name.

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

09 f9 11 02 9d 74 e3 5b d8 41 56 c5 63

So this string of characters has been floating around the internet today and some might wonder what they mean. They are the code that breaks the encoding of the HD DVDs. Some are trying to hide it and are coming down on those sites that are posting it. DRM can't last forever because people want the content they pay for in whatever format they use. They want to be able to convert their dvds and cds to put on their iPods, they want to store all their content on a computer so they don't have to deal with discs that may get scratched or broken. They want all their media at their finger tips and they don't want someone looking over their shoulder telling them what to do with the goods they spent their hard earned money on. How long will it take for these large industries to understand that, how long will it take before they change their practices and try to please their customers instead of continually piss them off like they are today. When.

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