Wednesday, December 07, 2005

matinee rider
The Harry Potter Edition

As I walk down the hallway I step into a theater. With my choice of seats I take the dead center seat halfway up. I expect that any minute a busload of kids is going to run in though they don’t, instead an elderly couple, an older couple, and a couple about my age walks in. The previews play, cell phones are silenced, and the feature comes on. Yes I spoke once of this character on this blog as a twenty-eight year old kid taking lessons from a great fantasy writer.

Yes I am speaking of Harry Potter and the latest movie - Goblet of Fire. It stood up well next to the book and had been just long enough for me to forget most of the story so it came as a new surprise. Though I disliked at least one of the scenes, they had some crappy pop punkish band play at the school dance. It just pulled me away from the fantasy world of Hogwarts and dropped me on the floor of MTV. The rest of the time I flew on broomsticks, swam under the sea with a set of gills, and battled the death eaters with my wand. I know they were trying to get in touch with the younger crowd by playing some fly hip cool music, it didn’t work for me and by the looks of Harry and Ron it didn’t work on them either.

Let’s hope they have better taste than that next time.

All in all I thought it was a really good movie and lives up to expectations of the franchise. I had to be a critic especially while I’m considering a career in the industry. Though it is probably a good thing, so I will be selective and tasteful in the movies I intend to make.

It was the perfect setting, as I was one of the youngest people in the theater and the matinee rider that I am, always gives me the choice seats. It has also given me some much needed inspiration.


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