The Half-blood Prince - Another Harry Potter Book By JK Rowling (spoilers...Many...Many Spoilers)
Wow Dumbledore is no more, Harry is out on his own with Hermione and Ron - Apparating around with him to help look for horcruxes and Snape, who is hiding out with he-who-must-mot-be-named and the Malfoy’s minus Lucius who is in Azkaban. Bill might be a werewolf but that is ok with Phlegm because love is strong in the world of magic especially when Tonks and Lupin are involved, or the lucky Ginny Wesley: the stand in seeker for the Gryffindor Kwidditch team. Now Slughorn had the hidden secrete in which made Voldemort strong, but his misconception of reality and drive for immortality is misconstrued by the shear imbalance of the ego and the id within the evil archetypical villain. Though Potter doesn’t actually come in contact with his nemesis, he learns just how evil this foe is through the pensive, Trelawney’s prophecy, and the events played out shortly thereafter it’s coming into existence. But all doesn’t settle well with Hagrid, the merpeople, and Firenzé when a funeral is involved, though nothing does make a more hypnotic sound than Phoenix in mourning.
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