Monday, December 12, 2005

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

On Friday I again set out to the movie theater to yet another fantasy, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It was everything I expected it to be, a well told rendition of one of my favorite childhood books, a movie filled with computer animation, bigatures, enough costumes to last one through a hundred lifetimes of Halloweens, and a movie that resembled the Lord of the Rings through the use of the same toolbox. Yes I was aware that Peter Jackson’s WETA workshop was on the case, the majority movie was filmed in New Zealand, and the use of the Rings pioneered program massive was used in many of the battle scenes.

Though it did have some other elements as Industrial Light and Magic also worked on it along side WETA and Rhythm & Hues, being the first film that all collaborated on. It also had a different director Andrew Adamson of Shrek fame and Co-produced by Douglas Gresham the stepson of C.S. Lewis

Being a fantasy fan especially of J.R.R and company it was nice to see one of his best friends get his due respect during this era of revamping. It is a lighter story than the Rings of course but still a very imaginative one. The kids acting the parts of Lucy, Peter, Edmund, and Susan did a wonderful job. It was very believable, as far as a fantasy can be with talking animals and Santa Clause.


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