Native Nazi – The continuing story of the powerless
Last week on March 22nd a 16 year old by the name of Jeff Weise shot his Grandfather and his Grandfather’s Girlfriend. Then took his Grandfather’s Police issued pistol, shotgun, bulletproof vest, and squad car to his school. At around 3pm Central Standard time he opened fire at killing six students and a teacher.
"I stumbled across the site in my study of the Third Reich as well as Nazism," he wrote in post made in March 2004 on The Libertarian National Socialist Green Party web site. "I guess I've always carried a natural admiration for Hitler and his ideals, and his courage to take on larger nations."
It is hard to believe that a member of the Ojibwa tribe would buy into Hitler’s ideals but then again he sees a view of this country far from the norm. His people had been rounded up like wild cattle and fenced in, on a little piece of land called a reservation. Far be it that this happened a couple hundred years ago, the stigma of hatred could still be lingering and legalized gambling is not the answer to centuries of hate that were brought on by hate. I can see how someone who hated interracial relationships can be drawn to Hitler; it’s the same idea no matter what race you are. You fear what is different and feel that your race should stay pure. Some natives go as far as having kids with first and second cousins to keep their blood true. When you’re stuck on a reservation what choice do you have to preserve your race. Though I do not condone incest, but when a society is in abnormal conditions abnormal occurrences happen.
Of course the society as a whole is breeding killers. This is being called the next Columbine already, being just shy of the same magnitude. But who is to blame, is it the parents, the schools, the government for taking away what power we did have albeit it has always been minimal. I think this country is in need of an overhaul. The checks and balances were been erased in the last election. People are killing each other left and right, and the government is not the best role model either, staging mass murders that have been best defined as wars - though lacking an opponent. As long as they stay powerful and keep the rest of us powerless there will be more out lashes like this one.
We are running out time people, we have to stand together and make sure that future elections are done fairly, that every voice is heard, and that we get some people in this system of government that are not you average ordinary kissing babies politicians, we need some people that are going to change the way things are done before we end up in the road of a dictatorship hidden behind the mask of democracy.
For a more complete report click here