Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Music to my ears!

Proof of Geekdom 2
Originally uploaded by countzachula.

I received a pair of awesome Shure headphones for my iPod at Christmas but for some reason the cord started shorting out. This is the product of ripping open the cord twisting the wires together and applying blue electrical tape to make the headphones work again. Now that is music to my ears!

Olmos There!

After leaving my house with 20 minutes left on my download of Battlestar Galactica on Monday, the rest of the day was laden with impatience. So I'm sitting in my Speech class and the teacher asks us to turn to chapter six. Low and behold Edward James Olmos (Commander William Adama of BSG) is prominently placed upon the page, I started to think I was hallucinating, "Come on flash backs not now!." But this was no hallucination, it was indeed Adama himself in my textbook, mustache and all.

It didn't have his name on the picture and so I did some research and followed the credit given in the book. It was credited to one Mark Richards of PhotoEdit inc. who specialize in taking pictures of ethnic and minority people, just an interesting side note


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Netflix has gone digital and on-demand

Yes it is true. Netflix is now on-demand over the internet. Though you do have to be a Windows user and have to use IE. Still it is a great addition to those who have a subscription to Netflix. It is extremely nice for someone like me who has severed the cable from my television and has vowed to get all my content on-line.

I just finished watching my first video, "Dr. Who: The Pirate Planet". A great episode with as good of quality, or better, than if you would have seen it originally in 1979.

So far they have a wide variety but no New Releases that I have seen. Must be so you don't cut down your subscription just yet. The video came on rapidly and I could pause it with the space bar (in reality my wireless game pad that I have set up as a remote with the usual media hot keys). It was of good quality and you get one hour of viewing time for each dollar of your monthly subscription. $18 a month = 18 hours of viewing time a month. The quality also changes depending on your connection.

From Netflix:
Tier Data rate
High 1.6 to 2.2+ Mbps
Good 1.0 Mbps
Basic 500 Kbps

Needless to say I am excited about this prospect. I tried out Vongo for a while as a supplement to Netflix for this reason but the selection of movies and the fact that it took up precious space on my hard drive led me to cancel.

It will be interesting to see how this catches on and what Netflix will offer. As I already have a TV conected to my computer for such purposes the average user doesn't. Will Apple TV jump on board, or will the rumors from a while back of a Tivo/Neflix partnership come to pass.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


So I started my own podcast last month and have finally decided to announce it. If you want to hear a story or two tune in at, subscribe using this rss feed by copying the link into your aggregator, or subscribe through iTunes by clicking here

So far I have only recorded audio but as soon as those taxes come back expect some video as I am building a green screen in my basement, and learning some 3d animation