Monday, July 16, 2007

Pownce Badges

So as you may know from previous posts I have recently joined up with a new site called Pownce. It is similar to twitter but was laking the badges that twitter offers so I decided to make my own. I made one for each theme that the site uses. If you would like to use them for your blog, website, myspace, etc. you can find them here

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Tiki Bar TV w/ subtitles

I just want to give some props to Dr. Tiki over there at the Tiki Bar Tv podcast. He just uploaded one of his most recent episodes "Blue Hawaiian" to, a place for people to upload films and add subtitles. They let you embed the films so I guess you could say that it is a youTube for the deaf and non(insert language here) speaking viewers, well as long as you can translate and upload the text.

I hope more podcasters will follow suit as many people out there would love to watch these videos but just cannot hear what is being said. To that I say Cheers and Mahalo Dr. Tiki

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